TS2068 Serial Port Documentation
Version 1.0
(For informational purposes only.)
*** Due to a miscalculation of the distance required between the edge connector and the top of the TS2068 case the adapter cannot be plugged in with the case fully and properly seated ***
*** Also, due to an incorrectly labeled foot print a DB9 male connector was laid out instead of the a DB9 Female. This requires the that DB9 be mounted on the etch side of the board ***
*** I got caught, twice, by the order of the data lines on the expansion connector. ***
*** There was also the small issue that M1 and IORQ occur simultaneously for interrupt acknowledge, and there are a lot of those, requiring that the address decoding be reconfigured using a 7421 instead of a 7411 ***
*** I got turned around on the MAX232 thinking that Vs+ and Vs- were for a single capacitor instead of each to ground resulting in the MAX232 not developing the correct plus and minus voltages ***
As of 07-16-2023 all required corrections have been made to board #1. A corrections sheet is being developed and will be published when validated.
If you still, in spite of the above, would like to have one
of these boards contact me at for $5.25 each plus whatever postage is
required. My preferred payment method is Zell.
Additional information on the driver code required can be found under the Flash Dissembler topic.
IC1 – MC68B50 [“B” Required if using 1.8432 MHz Crystal for QG1]
IC2 – 74LS04 5 spared gates with vias for patching
IC3 – 74LS11 1 Spared gate with vias for patching
IC4 – 74LS92
IC5 – 74LS93
IC6 – MAX232
QG1 – 1.8432 MHz Full Can Crystal Oscillator Jameco PN 27879
X2- DB-9 (RS-232) Must be mounted on the back side to clear TS2068. * See Page 5
Hardware decoding is for I/O 126 & 127
A7 – LOW – to CS2!
A6, A5, A4 – HIGH to IC3A to CS1
A3, A2, A1 – HIGH to IC3B to CS0
A0 – to RS
01111110 – 126 – Control Register
01111111 – 127 – Data Register
The 2 x 8 Pin
Header provides the ability to jumper one of the divided clock frequencies for
the baud rate.
C1-4 Are 1mFd If Polarized Capacitors are used the following should be noted.
Positive Pins
1 C1 – Right
2 C2 – Left
4 C3 – Left
16 C4 – Right
When viewed from component side:
If DB9-Female is mounted use DB9-Male pinning as guide
If DB9- Male is mounted, I suspect you need to use DB9-Female Pinning
When Viewed from the component side the Pinning is correct.