Kiss the Son Lest He be Angry


Worship, and the Worship Albums


Glenn (Kaiser of Rez band) on Worship


Tozer calls worship "the missing jewel of the church" and I agree. Yet, in the past two decades there has been a revival of worship of sorts. Seminars, books, gatherings of people who normally worship via prayer, song, individual and group adoration. And it is in a sense simply adoring the Beloved Himself.


But one of the most incredible meanings of the Heb. words in many O.T. verses can be translated best "kiss toward". To worship the Father in Spirit and truth means to biblically (in both heart-attitude and activity) "kiss toward". Psalm 2 "kiss the Son". Very interesting. And so I would first of all say that adoring the Father, Son and Spirit are paramount in anything resembling scriptural "worship".


Yet I will add that the Church in the world has a far smaller view of worship than the Bible offers. Rom. 12 speaks of "offering up your body in sacrifice to Him as "reasonable worship", thus surrendering of one's self is certainly as much worship as is lifting hands, bowing, kneeling, singing praise and thanks, extolling His character in songs, etc.., and I think it is THAT side of worship that many continue to overlook. We need the whole to be whole. Jesus' "Spirit and Truth" of course relates to the Holy Spirit's help ("Helper, Comforter, Spirit of Truth, Spirit of holiness") to worship acceptably, as well as confession of sin so that we have as little blocking our way to the Throne as possible. "Worship Him in the beauty of holiness" and so on. Of course, how can one WITHOUT clean hands and a pure heart have the intimacy that He desires.


Again, it can be argued that worship does/adds far more to US than to Him, for He needs nothing to be complete- He is all-sufficient without us. We offer Him honor, glory, and bless Him by recalling that of His nature and Word that reveals Himself to us. Worship means integrity in every sphere. "Spirit AND TRUTH". In such the Father seeks us to worship Him. So... there's the crash-course. By the way, genuine worship is the complete opposite of performance. It is totally God-ward at the core, which is one reason it is the most edifying thing we can do, being focused on God and not self.


The first songs I wrote were "worship" songs, that is, after I became a Christian. After several, I began to share a witness sort of thing in songs, but before all else, I was worshipping God (without as well as with music) in private devotional time. I was asked by the leadership of the community early on to lead worship much for the same reasons I was asked to give Bible studies. I was doing both just between the Lord and myself anyhow. So when leaders in our church saw or found this out, and it had been consistent, they simply asked me to share some of this with the congregation. Very practical folks here (Praise God).


"All My Days" came from private worship experiences, and the deep sense that many rockers weren't worshippers. Because genuine worship is so UNself-centered, those who focus on God alone are always edified. There you go. And so after a lot of years (and encouragement from folks, also at C'stone Festival), the Lord led and confirmed for me to do "AMD".


I don't write for recordings (not worship songs), which in my opinion is borderline blasphemy, but simply worship. In silence, with song and without. But some of those songs seem to say things and lead to exhortations / admonitions that may well bless others. As I share them with a few trustworthy, discerning leaders here in JPUSA, we decide to share them in the church services, and finally, some of those songs end up on a recorded project. I can't think of a better process of how to share worship tunes with others. Otherwise, it's for self-rent payment-anything other than God that we do praise and worship, and that IS blasphemy. But that's how any worship songs I do get shared beyond He and I in a private setting.


The new release is titled "Throw Down Your Crowns", based on a song in the project which is from Rev.4. I will say that about 6 of the 14 tunes could have been on All My Days, but the rest are beyond it. I can't hardly describe it. One is a bit like Peter Gabriel, a couple a bit Scots-Irish in general approach, some sax, even one leaning towards (veeerrry white-bread vocal... by my choice) r&b, but we not only put a sax, but a broader sounding (un corntry... nyuk) steel guitar on it. That guy is GGGood. So it's like me... eclectic. Let's just say it might blow a few out of the water who simply adored AMD and wanted a "normal" sequel. Little "normal" about me. I figure "keep moving, the veggies don't have homing devices on 'em... yet! But seriously, I don't worship with a view to the masses, I just worship and dey come oot as dey come oot.


I sure love Jesus. Really. He is ALL. This project seems lyrically full of two major issues: grace and the Holy Spirit. Just what God was doing in my heart this past two or three years.


Posted 04/26/01



Music and Worship