The Lord has had this one my mind for a while, and I just haven't been able to define it or word it out. Here's a song to consider:

In a very small church I served as a bit of everything but the position I filled which gave me the most joy, and responsibility, was being a Worship Minister.

To me the time of Worship was critically important, not just a needed preliminary, but a time I could minister. I had no qualifications, I could not play a keyboard or a guitar, I could not even read time! But I had a heart for ministry, and, at the time, a voice.

I would meditate and pray all week about what Trax to use, except when I was set down by some johnny come lately that could play, they'd play for a while then move on somewhere else, and I'd be back.

This was my "sermon", the lyrics had to be what the congregation needed, not what I liked, though if it lifted Jesus higher, I usually liked it. 🙂

So, for me, I was a minister. But the time I really felt God's direction to minister was at work. I won't share names because, while I think of them often, I don't have their permission to share their story.

A young couple at work found out she was pregnant. She was literally floating on air and all but dancing and leaping for joy and probably pirouettes down the hallways.

But, her models’ body couldn't support twins and they lost them. I notice the wife was missing from work and the husband a bit quieter than usual, so I inquired and discovered what had happened. I shared their sense of loss and wanted of so badly to minister to them, but I lived some hour plus away and didn't go to their church what was I to do.

I was led to put a CD together of carefully selected, and much prayer and The Holy Spirit, what I came to call "The Comfort Mix". I gave it to the husband with my expressions of caring and love, such as a worker could express to a supervisor.

Several days later I inquired how they were doing and he thanked me for the CD and said after hearing it he was finally able to weep before Our Lord. His wife was still working through their loss.

Last time I had inquired of them, they had had a daughter and Momma had stopped working to care for the child.

So, I ask you what is your approach to Music in the church and as a Ministry tool?

What is your attitude? Which of the above listing really tells what you are when you stand before the Congregation in a position of Leadership and Ministry?

Being center stage is a heady experience not unlike the Priests and Levites of Jesus' day but, I ask you if you ever  stoop down like the Samaritan, lower yourself and minister to their needs instead of your own ego?

Think about it, please.