Above is part of Hebrews 12:6 and Revelation 3:19.

I have been pleading for a Nation Changing Revival for decades. Warning that the church is not immune to God's Discipline.

A warning I posted this morning met with the response that oh no, that can't be applied to the church because so an so says it applies to Israel.

I did respond both with incredulity and anger as follows:

That's the problem as I see it, the translations and texts are always interpreted to reduce or eliminate responsibility to His Church which is, according to Paul's letter to the Gentile Galatians, "The Israel of God".

Further, if in fact we Gentile Believers have been grafted into that Holy Root of which the primary trunk is Israel does it not seem likely that we also would be under discipline at some point.

We believers have responsibilities before God, all one has to do is read the first chapters of Revelation to see that Jesus isn't playing around.

For too long the church, and especially "we" Pentecostals have acted like some privileged spiritual class, when if fact, at best we are barely equal to Israel.

Grace is enough to Save Us through the Blood. *BUT* it does not negate the Justice and Discipline of God to His Children.

The response I got:


Dr. Dwight Pentecost taught on the Olivet Discourse from Matthew 24 which Luke 21 parallels. He said that this is the 70th week spoken of in Daniel and that it does not apply to the Church but to Israel.